
Farmacopea :

Pharmacopée d’Afrique de l’Ouest, 2013, Organisation Ouest-Africaine de la Santé (OOAS).




Antropología :

Pharmaceutical markets in the Global South, 2022, Carine Baxerres and Maurice Cassier.


Artículos relacionados con la cualidad de los productos naturales : 

Chassagne et al. Medicinal Plants as Anti-Infectives. Current Knowledge and New Perspectives. Book • 2022

Camara et al. Variation in chemical composition and antimalarial activities of two samples of
Terminalia albida collected from separate sites in Guinea. BMC Compl Med Ther, 21(1):64.

Chassagne et al. Medicinal Plants as Anti-Infectives. Current Knowledge and New Perspectives. Book • 2022

Camara et al. Variation in chemical composition and antimalarial activities of two samples of
Terminalia albida collected from separate sites in Guinea. BMC Compl Med Ther, 21(1):64.

Degla LH, Kuiseu J, Olounlade PA, Attindehou S, Hounzangbe-Adote MS, Edorh PA and Lagnika L, 2022. Use of medicinal plants as alternative for the control of intestinal parasitosis: assessment and perspectives. Agrobiological Records 7: 1-9.

Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Ambaliou Sanni, Latifou Lagnika. 2020. Chemical Diversity and Pharmacological Properties of Genus Acacia. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 13 : 40-59. DOI: 10.3923/ajaps.2020.40.59

Rock Djehoue, Rafiou Adamou, Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Adande A. Medjigbodo, Anatole Laleye, Ambaliou Sanni, Luc S. Djogbenou, and Latifou Lagnika. In vitro Assessment of Antiplasmodial Activity and Acute Oral Toxicity of Dissotis rotundifolia Extracts and Fractions on Plasmodium falciparum Strains.  Journal of Applied Life Sciences International 23(5): 8-19, 2020  DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2020/v23i530161

Gérard H. Tiko, Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Rafiou Adamou, Adandé A. Medjigbodo, Luc S. Djogbénou,  Latifou Lagnika. Assessment of Antiplasmodial and Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolics and Flavonoids Content, and Toxicological Profile of Cola millenii K. shum (Malvaceae). International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review, Page 47-60   DOI: 10.9734/ijbcrr/2020/v29i530191

Gérard H. Tiko, Rafiou Adamou, Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Adandé A. Medjigbodo, Ambaliou Sanni, Luc S. Djogbénou, Latifou Lagnika. 2020. Antiplasmodial, Antioxidant, Hemolytic Activities and Acute Toxicity of Costus Afer Ker Gawl (Costaceae) Used in Malaria Healing in Benin. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 14: 24-34. DOI: 10.3923/rjmp.2020.24.34

Mounirou Tchatchedre, Abdou Madjid Amoussa, Marcel Houinato, Hounnankpon Yedomonhan,  Latifou Lagnika. 2019. Ethnobotanical Survey and Phytogeographical Study of Plant Species from Genus Acacia in Benin. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 13(9): 199-212. DOI:

Adjileye Rafatou Adédoyin Adjokè, Amoussa Abdou Madjid Olatoundé, Rafiou Adamou, Awede Bonaventure, Laleye Anatole, Lagnika Latifou. 2019. UHPLC-DAD Characterization of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Ocimum Americanum and Pupalia lappacea Extracts: Antioxidant Activity and Antihypertensive Effects on L-NAME-Induced Hypertensive Rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy 11(2) : 17-27.  DOI :

Fachinan R, Fagninou A, Nekoua MP, Amoussa AM, Adjagba M, Lagnika L, Lalèyè A, Moutairou K, Yessoufou A. 2017. Evidence of Immunosuppressive and Th2 Immune Polarizing Effects of Antidiabetic Momordica charantia Fruit Juice. Biomed Research International. 2017: 9478048.

Lagnika L, Amoussa AM, Adjileye RA, Laleye A, Sanni A. 2016. Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Toxicity and Phytochemical Assessment of Extracts from Acmella Uliginosa, a Leafy-Vegetable Consumed in Benin, West Africa. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 16(34): 2-11.

Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Lagnika Latifou, Mélanie Bourjot, Cathérine Vonthron-Senecheau,  Ambaliou Sanni. 2016. Triterpenoids from Acacia ataxacantha DC: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 16(284): 1-8.

Abdou Madjid O. Amoussa, Mélanie Bourjot, Lagnika Latifou, Cathérine
Vonthron-Senecheau,  Ambaliou Sanni. 2016. Acthaside: A New Chromone Derivative from Acacia Ataxacantha and its Biological Activity. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 16(506): 1-8.

Latifou Lagnika, Rock Djehoue, Hounnankpon Yedomonhan, Ambaliou Sanni. 2016. Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants Used in Malaria Management in South Benin. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 10(41): 748 – 756. DOI:

Lagnika Latifou, Attioua Barthélémy, Catherine Vonthron-Senecheau, Marcel Kaiser, Annelise Lobstein, Ambaliou Sanni, Bernard Weniger. 2013. In vitro Preliminary Study of Antiprotozoal Effect of Four Medicinal Plants from Benin. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 7(10): 556 – 560. DOI:

L. Lagnika; B. Attioua; B. Weniger; M. Kaiser; A. Sanni; C.Vonthron-Senecheau. 2008. Phytochemical Study and Antiprotozoal Activity of Compounds Isolated from Thalia Geniculata. Pharmaceutical Biology 46(3) : 162-165.

Bernard Weniger, Latifou Lagnika, Catherine Vonthron-Sénécheau, Tomabu Adjobimey, Joachim Gbenou, Mansourou Moudachirou, Reto Brun, Robert Anton, Ambaliou Sanni. 2004. Evaluation of Ethnobotanically Selected Benin Medicinal Plants for their In Vitro Antiplasmodial Activity. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 90 (2-3): 279-284.