CARRAZ, Maëlle


 IRD Pharmadev
    Faculté de Pharmacie, Bâtiment R
    35 Chemin des Maraichers
   31062 Toulouse

Role Researcher
Researcher ID
Main research field Cellular biology
Keywords Pharmacology, ethnopharmacology, medicinal plants, phytochemistry
Recent publications related to the IRN Toussaint-Douhoré, G. Y. et al. Corrigendum to “Liver cancer antiproliferative activity of a new nor-cucurbitacin from Mareya micrantha Müll. Arg.” [Fitoterapia volume 166 (2023) p1-8/Article 105471]. Fitoterapia 176, 105933 (2024).

Messi, L. M. et al. Corrigendum to “Triterpenoid saponins from Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn. and their antiproliferative activity against two digestive carcinoma human cell lines” [Fitoterapia volume 146 (2020) p1-9/article 104669]. Fitoterapia 175, 105934 (2024).
Boly, R. et al. Polyphenol content, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of a plant mixture composed of four medicinal plants with hepatoprotective potential. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 17, 182–190 (2023).




Rokia Sanogo receives the Prix Galien Afrique 2021 for her work in traditherapy

4 February 2022

The Prix Galien Afrique recognizes excellence and innovation. It is awarded for products, services and initiatives that are highly convincing or promising, in the field of innovative discoveries and therapies at the service of humanity. To learn more about this award, click here. For the category "Best traditherapy product", Pr Rokia SANOGO, member of the GDRI QUALITY, was awarded this prize on December 11, 2021 in Dakar (Senegal), by the President of the Republic of Senegal. For more information, click here.

First workshop of the nework QUALITY – 2021, December 15 and 16th

1 February 2022

The first workshop of our QUALITY network took place on December 15 and 16, 2021, by visioconference. Here is the detailed program.  

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